Saturday, July 31, 2004

Visitor from out of town

I spent 10 hours at work today. I did not normally mind being at work late. However I was mildly annoyed because our friend Sabrina was coming in from West Virginia. Since the group home that I work at has a policy that the residents are not to be left just alone with employees that are under 18 years of age, I had to stay while Brianne who is above 18 years of age was out taking a resident to visit her sister.

It was not really a problem but she forgot to give meds to the resident's sister and had to go back to deliver the meds. So it ended up to be past 8:30 before she returned. After which I stayed for a few minutes and then went home.

Sadly the resident's sister live around East Cleveland, which for those of you unfamiliar with Cleveland think poor minority neighborhood. The girls who work at the group home that took the resident to her sisters are suburban, white and female. I was somewhat annoyed by the story of their brush with the poor people and poor neighborhood, that they regaled to the other young girls working at the group home. Then again I grew up in the wrong side of the track so poor minority neighborhoods don't really bother me. Certainly I don't like to live in the "ghetto" as she put it. They are just people too. But I guess they don't have much in that aspect of life experience. Ahh to be young and ignorant.


It is really nice to see Sabrina again. She moved to West Virginia about 2 weeks after Liam was born. I am really happy to see her. She had Liam withdrawal so she wanted to visit last week but she was busy helping her friend Jaime give birth to her son Jacob Thomas last Friday. I hope we have some fun and have a chance to be together as friends.

Here is to a relatively dry (fingers crossed) and fun weekend.


Anonymous said...

Dearheart, it's SaBRIna, not SaBRNIa..

<3 your loving wife.

Anonymous said...

Dear Garvin,
Your baby is so beautifu. Congrats to you and Ahmie.

Your friend from the past.

Anonymous said...

I forgot the L in beautiful. Silly me i'm crazy busy at work. Again your wee baby boy is so cute you could eat him, you must be so proud Garvin. May your baby boy bring you and Ahmie much Joy & Happiness.The very best to you and your family for the future.
