Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Good news from old friends

I called our my old friend Chris Frenz.  I have know him from way back from Boy Scouting.  He has been one of my old friends who I have been able to keep in touch with through the years.  Ahmie and I wanted to ask him and his wife Thao if they could be Godparents for Liam.  We were planning to ask them to come to Cleveland to be part of Liam's dedication ceremony.  Chris has kept track online with what has been going on with my life.  But he had news himself.

Chris told me that he and Thao are expecting and that she is 6 months pregnant. 

After the salutary congratulations, Chris and I (mostly I) talked about fatherhood, the excitement, the paternal instinct. 

I'm happy that Liam will have a (year of the) monkey cousin!

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